Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Braylon Edwards

Braylon Edwards the day has finally come for you to return to the Dawg Pound.  This Sunday the J-E-T-S, JETS JETS JETS come to Cleveland Browns Stadium with their arrogant wide reciever Braylon Edwards.  Trust me I bought my tickets before the season even started so I could get a front and center seat to watch my Brownies take out the Jets.  Anyone that is a Browns fan knows the story of Braylon coming to the Browns after the 2005 NFL Draft.  We selected him 3rd overall that year in order to bring in a down field threat on the outside.  What we failed to realize is Braylon is like any other loud mouthed diva like reciever in this league.  The guy that blames everybody else but himself for his problems on the field (yes I am also talking about Chad Ochocrapo as well).  Braylon had his mind made up from the time he came to Cleveland that he was never accepted by the Browns fans because he went to Michigan.  Let me tell you something Braylon NOBODY CARES WHERE U WENT TO COLLEGE! Even the uneducated can figure out that Saturday and Sunday are two different days.  Once your drafted as long as you help our favorite team no one cares where you played on Saturday.  Yes, I am a Buckeye fan but guess who went out and bought your jersey I DID (your welcome for my donations to your pocket)!  Do you realize our new QB Colt McCoy beat the Buckeyes in a last second comeback in the Fiesta Bowl? Does anyone in a Browns jersey care, NO.  So after Braylon decided this was a ridiculous statement he used the excuse that he came to the Browns with a New York attitude and it was not well accepted.  What does that even mean?  That he has a whole lot of money in his pocket, likes to dress well or drives a nice car.  That is half the NFL locker rooms.  So then Braylon takes pot shots at Cleveland, well that ship has sailed thanks to Joakim Noah of the Bulls in last year's NBA Playoffs.  Cleveland doesnt have this and Cleveland doesnt have that.  This may be true but really that's how you leave by mocking the city that paid for your jersey's, (enter Chris Carter C'MON Man)! 
Let me tell you something Braylon the real reaons the Browns fan's booed you mercifully before your exit last season was because YOU DROPPED EVERYTHING THAT WAS THROWN YOUR WAY! It feels so good when the truth comes out.  Could you please hold on to the ball for once that is all we were asking.  I promise you that no one in Cleveland cares what college you went to or what car you drive or if you have a New York attitude.  Though maybe we can describe New York attitude as beating up the fifth and smallest member of LeBron James entourgage outside a Cleveland Night Club.  That's showing the blue collar people of Cleveland how tough you really are! Now it makes sense to me. Or may be all we cared about was you holding onto the ball.  Yes, growing up in Ohio and going to Michigan does make you a traitor and it is a shame that Michigan has to raid Ohio for any talent (had to take a shot at Michigan).  But it doesn't matter what you did on Saturday when  1 o'clock rolls around on Sunday.  I know you have been busy tweeting this week about coming to Cleveland.  Trust me I got my popcorn ready for your grand New York entrance and I will not be suprised when you drop an important pass in the fourth quarter.  But then again drop passes are never your fault blame it on the fans!

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